Monday, May 13, 2013

I'm Still Here

 Thank you all for your kind words and support. I have received several requests to keep this blog going so I'll continue to show the quilts I finish which will be donated. I finished two more QAYG quilts today as well as one on the weekend. I also quilted the donated top. It was a large medallion quilt top and I received several of these. They have sat in the pile waiting to be quilted but they were all too large for the groups I'm supporting now. Therefore I have started to de-construct them so that they are no larger than 50" by 70" in size as that is the most useful for them. I'm using the leftover bits and pieces to make more tops or they will be used to piece backing.
  As you can see I am still busy with the donation quilting. I guess that then only difference is that I'm not taking donations now so I can focus on getting some of my UFOs finished- a lot of those will most likely be donated too and it gives me a chance to work on some of my own projects. I have promised 35 quilts to a group which runs camps for abused and neglected children and I want to get them finished before we head off on our travels again in a few weeks time.
   Thanks for stopping by again.
Hugs, Jan Mac

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Retiring From Active Duty

 These three quilts are the last ones I sent off with the last shipment on Sunday. The first is fabulous and came all the way from Finland. Ulla, one of my generous blog readers, made this beautiful quilt and cleverly used the striped fabric to create a stunning design. The second quilt is a cheater quilt I quilted and the last one is a lovely bright kid's quilt which was a donated top.
 I delivered 17 quilts and 4 blankets as well as lots of school supplies and knitted items and they all went to Janice of Needy Stitches in Melbourne. Janice's email is and she supports many different organizations which help the needy in Melbourne and country Victoria.
   She is able to accept finished quilts, knitted items as well as crocheted or knitted blanket squares. I have been sending quilts to her as well as she passes them on to many different organizations. She is unable to accept fabric or unfinished quilts and tops though.
   After almost 20 years of making and donating quilts and other items I have decided to retire from active duty and will be closing this blog down. I will still make and donate quilts and blankets but on a much smaller scale and I will no longer be accepting donations as I still have a lot of donated tops and blocks to finish off. I have also donated most of the wool and yarn I had stored as Janice will distribute it to people who are happy to knit but can't always afford to buy supplies. They then donate finished items back through Needy Stitches.
  I want to say a very heartfelt thank you to everyone for their support and donations for the needy and those affected by floods and bushfires. We have managed to bring comfort and warmth to many in need. I do encourage you to continue to make and donate as you see fit, and there are many organizations which help in our communities.
 I need to take time for me as well as more time for the family and I hope you all understand that this wasn't any easy decision to make. I will still be blogging regularly on my other blog at Sew Many Quilts- Too Little Time so please stop by and say hello some time.
Hugs, Jan Mac

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Is Eight Enough?

 I've been busily quilting over the past few days as I want to make another delivery at the weekend and the more I can fit in the better, as far as cost of transporting quilts goes. I sewed until 11.30pm on Tuesday night and again all day yesterday but only finished one today as I had family commitments this afternoon. I need to get more finished as we are planning more traveling very soon and I don't want to leave un-quilted tops and blocks here when winter is on its way and quilts will be appreciated.
  I am also trying to finish off some of my UFOs (some of which will probably be donated too) but it is good to get more quilts finished and out of here so I can tidy the shelves a bit before we leave on our travels again. I'm working nights again tomorrow but hope to get some more quilts finished before that so maybe eight isn't enough! Check back soon to see how many I manage to add to the finished pile.
Hugs, Jan Mac