Lesley very kindly took 35 quilts back to Rochester with her and they will be distributed by the neighbourhood centre.
The first two beautiful quilts shown here were made by Ros Hawkins and the Southern Light Stitchers from Tasmania and the next beautiful quilt was made by Jo-Anne Dick also from Tasmania, and the people of Rochy will be so happy to receive them as the weather is getting colder now and they have no floor coverings in their homes after having to strip them out due to the floods.
The last lovely baby quilt was donated by the Kyvally Patchworkers and the last 2 QAYG quilts were made from donated blocks from quilters around the world who are supporting this quilt appeal.
Thank you so much for all your generous donations which are making a difference.
Hugs Jan Mac

Such wonderful generosity -
ReplyDeleteLast night in Christchurch it was -1 YES minus one and we haven't even started winter yet. I know there will be 65 warmer people in Christchurch thanks to peoples generosity! (with another 5 in my sewing room waiting for binding and school holidays to be over)
I was talking to a lady in the park yesterday who was up from Christchurch, and she said her fireplace is down so no fires to keep her warm this winter and electricity is intermittent ;'(
Any word on Japan, it (like Christchurch and Queensland floods) seem to have dropped off the media spectrum.