Lesley very kindly took back a pile of finished quilts for the township of Rochester and will pass them on tomorrow which is a big help with saving me a trip and giving me more time to quilt.
I sent over 16 quilts and a large fleecy pillow which will be the start of the gifting of quilts to people who are still living in temporary accommodation due to the floods in Vic.
I was very lucky to receive 6 beautiful quilts from Pam Wood (Vic) as well as a lovely QAYG quilt in shades of pink, purple and greens from Jacqy Wong (Vic) as well as 16 quilts from Jenni Omand (Vic). Some of Jenni's quilts will be going to NZ and some to Qld, with the remainder making up today's delivery in Victoria.
I'm going to be taking a break with a camping holiday with friends for a week or so but someone will be at home to pick up the mail and I plan to knit and crochet while I'm away so the pile of knitted beanies and blankets will grow. Then I'll be back to finish more quilts after this short break.
I hope you're all enjoying some time for you as well. Thanks to all your help we've given away 166 quilts so far this year.
Hugs Jan Mac

166 so far this year, a remarkable number, but so sad that there was any need to do so.
ReplyDeleteHave a well deserved break Jan! you've earned it!!!