I can't believe that it's February already and that we have had more natural disasters here in Australia. They have ranged from floods, bushfires and mini tornados and have reached across most of the States of Australia. I'm getting straight back into quilt production again as the need for quilt comfort will be greater than ever this year and the number of homeless will probably be greater due to the natural disasters destroying so many homes.
I've spent the last few days making QAYG quilt blocks, scrappy 9 patch blocks and also crocheting squares for blankets. I've finished the first blanket for the year as well as the first quilt and will sepnd today making more blocks and hopefully getting some more tops quilted.
If you have any time, scraps of batting and fabric I can always use more QAYG blocks to put together for donation quilts. Even just one or two will help to get more quilts finished and donated. Also any scraps of wool or yarn would be a huge help toward getting more blankets made as I crochet when I am unable to sit at the sewing machine. At the moment I'm very grateful that I thought to buy the industrial sewing machine as it has made it so much quicker and easier to finish up these QAYG quilts.
Thank you for your kind words on my last post everyone and also thanks for all your support with these quilt projects.
Hugs, Jan Mac
Lots of Outgoings.
2 weeks ago