Two of these three tops were donated by other quilters and I have just finished off the quilting and binding so they are now ready to donate. The last photo shows a quilt I put together from donated strings in country colours. I found some brown fabric with red flowers which teamed well with the strings and made alternate blocks to make the quilt larger. I love to make something useful from scraps that others are discarding. It will bring joy to three people- the person who donated the scraps who is happy not to have them cluttering up the sewing room, the person who receives the quilt, and also for me beaucse I'm happy to be able to play with scraps and fabric. All round it's a win-win situation LOL.
I'm also going to add my address details to the blog again as requested by some of my followers. Once again a very grateful thank you to all my blog followers for their ongoing support. I have more photos to show of this week's finished quilts but will do that in the next post.
Hugs Jan Mac