We're still on the road and are in Western Australia at Geraldton after traveling through the Kimberley and the Pilbara. Tomorrow we're off to Kalgoorlie and then will probably head for home. Although we're having a a great time we are getting tired from all the rough roads and bush camping

and to be honest I'm missing my quilting. LOL. Luckily my DH is also happy to go home and rest up before our next trip in mid September.
As we've been camping on the side of the road so much I haven't been able to do any hand work so I've been crocheting blankets and knitting beanies for the homeless. I knit at least one beanie a day and have also made 2 blankets and have taken photos of some of them beofre posting them home. I'll give an update of my tally when I return home in a couple of weeks.
Take care,
Jan Mac